In 1972, a group of undergraduate women formed the first student women’s group at Trinity called Trinity 女性’s Organization (两个).  两个在马瑟大学的地下室有一间办公室,由学生会资助.  黛安·亨特是他们的指导老师.

1976年春天, ten students 提交ted a proposal to Vice-President Smith and the Committee on Space Allocation requesting space for a 女性’s Center.  The students were granted an apartment at 86-88 Crescent Street but the project fell through when it was heard that the College would be demolishing the building.

在洛克伍德总统妇女问题特别委员会的第一次会议上, 2月3日, 1977, a subcommittee 成立 to investigate the possibility of establishing a 女性’s Center which would serve the needs of 教师, 工作人员, 和学生.  小组委员会(Anne Boornazian), 凯西·弗雷德里克, 苏珊Kepnes, 苏珊Haberlandt, Dianne猎人, Judy Rohrer and Diane Zannoni) wrote to Vice-President Smith and requested the use of the third floor guest apartment in Mather.  2月25日,他批准了他们的请求.

3月提交了一份预算草案.  The President’s Office paid for Diane Zannoni and 凯西·弗雷德里克 to attend a five day training conference on 女性’s Centers at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.  6月, 该中心获得3美元,为中心提供工作人员, $6,布置场地和支付节目制作费.  从学生政府协会收到$880,用于支付其第一次重大活动的费用.  Ann Leventhal and Judy Rohrer were hired as the two co-coordinators and the Center officially opened in September of 1977.

1977年秋天, 由学生组成的协调委员会, 的协调员, 工作人员, 管理人员和教职员工(共15人), 成立.  委员会决定由两个选出学生组成协调委员会, 其中5个成员永远是学生.  没有正式的办法来填补其他空缺, 虽然招聘启事在校园里到处都有.  协调委员会成员组成小组委员会处理耗时的问题.  为了集中主要责任, 委员会投票决定只雇用一名协调员, 莱斯利·赖特, 在1978-79学年.

Coordinating committee members produced a job description for themselves which stated their responsibilities.  成员们有责任参加每周的会议, 任命一名秘书做会议记录, 任命委员会的新成员, 评估中心事件, 批准和提交预算, 决定妇女中心的方向, 和评估, 监督和协助协调员, 特别是长期规划和方案的实施.  有时, the committee invited guests representing feminist organizations or persons well-versed in an important women’s issue to their regular meetings or an evening meeting to inform them about specific issues.

Part-time coordinators worked in conjunction with a very active coordinating committee from 1977 to 1983.  Lectures, workshops, discussion panels and films were the most common types of programs sponsored.  每年有5到12个项目被归入这些类别.  其他类型的节目包括开放参观, 招待会, 晚餐, 展品, 咖啡馆, 戏剧和舞蹈表演, 音乐会和巴士旅行.  非编程活动, 比如咨询人员和学生, 为校园及社区提供转介服务, 在会议上发表论文和研讨会, 在校园和社区委员会任职, aiding students and 教师 who are doing research on women and maintaining contacts with other women’s issue organizations were also a part of the work of the 女性’s Center.

1984年秋天, Judith Branzburg被聘为第一个全职协调员(9个月).  当时,妇女中心的宗旨扩大到以下几个方面:

“The purpose of the 女性’s Center at 全球十大网赌正规平台 is to educate members of the Trinity community about women’s and gender issues, 为妇女提供支持的中心, 在校园里为女性发声, 成为学生和教师的资源中心, 并成为社区妇女团体的联络人.  The Center’s programs and the activities of the coordinator are directed toward women and men of the 教师, 政府, 工作人员, 学生群体.  The Center is also concerned with taking advantage of the College’s urban setting by using the resources of the community and by fostering interaction between the diverse 哈特福德 community and the Trinity student body.”

有全职协调员, there was a substantial increase in the number of programs produced in the next three years and attendance at programs improved greatly.  设立了午餐系列和宣传周项目.  1986年,第一份通讯出版.  《全球十大网赌正规平台》诗歌系列出版于1987年.  Community attendance at 女性’s Center events and coverage by local news media increased dramatically.  The 女性’s Center became a better known and more integral part of the life of the College and within the 哈特福德 community.  A complete listing of all 女性’s Center programs from 1984 to the present is available in annual reports.

1987年,朱迪思·布兰斯伯格(Judith Branzburg)成为全球十大网赌正规平台的兼职平权行动官员.  安妮·梅纳德被聘为妇女中心的兼职助理协调员.  在她辞职后,帕特·雷维尔被聘为这个职位.

The 女性’s Center was very effective in bringing large numbers of students to the Center in 1988-89.  四个学生组织(TGLBA), 两个, 高飞, Community Outreach) as well as one 工作人员 group (TOPS) used the 女性’s Center for meetings on a regular basis.   It was reported in the annual report that the Center seemed to have moved from one more accommodating to 教师 and administrators to one more accommodating to students.  At this point the limitations of the physical space in which the Center is housed became apparent and a search for more adequate space was initiated.

1989年秋天, Judith Branzburg辞职,Pat Reville被聘为兼职临时协调员.  广泛的学生群体, 教师, 工作人员 and administrators joined to work together as the ad hoc Sexual Assault Task Force and to plan Trinity’s first Sexual Assault Awareness Week.  Diane Martell was hired in January of 1990 as the new full-time coordinator (10 month position).

尽管在过去的一年中协调员发生了迅速的变化, 许多积极分子(毕业)在两个和TGLBA的损失 , 为协调委员会增加了几名新成员, 以及全球十大网赌正规平台新校长的任命, 1989年至1990年期间,中心继续其为妇女进行宣传和规划的传统.  本中心协助筹办校友会, Co-Education at Trinity:  女性 Making a Difference; provided 支持 to two new student groups, Students for Choice and Students for Equality (residential student group); provided space and refreshments for the annual conference of the Permanent Commission on the Status of 哈特福德 女性; co-sponsored readings by Margaret Randall and Michelle Cliff; and assisted in the planning of Bisexual, 同性恋意识日.  制定并实施了学生协同同伴教育计划.  The Center actively involved fraternity and sorority members in women’s issues by including them in the activities of the Sexual Assault Task Force and sponsoring a workshop at Kappa Kappa Gamma on “Sex, 酒精和刻板印象".

在成功地担任了九年妇女中心主任之后, 黛安·马泰尔去了全球十大网赌正规平台担任一年级项目主任. 1998年秋天,劳拉. 洛克伍德被录用了. 劳拉于1995年获得全球十大网赌正规平台公共政策硕士学位, 来自康涅狄格妇女教育和法律基金(CWEALF), 她在那里担任教育主任.


该中心延续了许多相同的项目和学生团体,并增加了一些 安全区计划; the 女性’s Reading Group, and the 大姐/小妹计划,与第一年项目合作.  随着玛丽莲·卡多恩的离开, 性侵犯咨询师, in 2000, 劳拉履行了她的职责, 从那时起,他就努力与不同的学生团体合作, 管理人员和教师加强性侵犯应对小组(SART), 增加报告.  除了, 她是学院的性骚扰和性侵犯培训师, 并且每年培训新的主管, 教师, 学生领袖.  The Center also recently developed a new Sexual Harassment brochure for students, 教师, and 工作人员.

2003年秋天, 妇女中心举行了一次静修,以制定新的使命宣言, 并计划来年的议程和战略. 以下是妇女中心目前的使命宣言:

“妇女中心是一个倡导的地方, 支持, 欢迎所有全球十大网赌正规平台的成员. 通过教育, 社会和文化节目, it seeks to promote women’s self-determination and empowerment; awareness of women’s rights and issues; redress of gender inequities; understanding among women of different economic classes, 文化背景, and sexual identities; and the creation of a campus environment conducive to respectful interaction between women and men.”

In 2003, 劳拉把妇女中心的850卷图书馆放到了网上, 作为国家图书馆请求网站的一部分, 整个州都可以使用. 2004年夏天,妇女中心的墙壁变成了粉红色, and finally upgraded to a decent sized TV/VCR/DVD for movie nights and educational programming in fall, 2004.  In 2006, 经过与同学们的深思熟虑和讨论, 妇女中心成为WGRAC -妇女 & 性别资源行动中心-反映WGRAC为整个三一社区服务的工作. 2008年,WGRAC获得了全球十大网赌正规平台的资助,聘请了一名兼职主任助理. WGRAC在2000年至2010年间举办了500多个节目.